Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Am Running for King of the Internet

Two days ago, I announced my intentions to run for King of the Internet. I will update you as the mainstream media covers my campaign. In the meantime, join the facebook group and invite all of your friends.

PROVO, UT (AP) - BYU college sophomore Carl Duzett declared his candidacy yesterday for King of the Internet.

The announcement came late in the evening in the Old Mill apartment complex. The announcement was met with surprise, yet Duzett says the reaction was still overall "enthusiastic, and positive."

Duzett claimed the ability to unite the diverse and often-contentious demographics of the Internet, and to lead them to a bold new future.

"The Internet is mankind's most powerful institution, yet it remains the most unruly and least organized," Duzett said in his speech. "I offer true leadership to this digital landscape, and promise unprecedented results as the Internet leads the rest of mankind into the 21st century. This generation is a generation of digital pioneers, and it falls to us to forge the path for our descendants."

In a later interview with the Associated Press, Duzett said he is banking on college-age voters in his bid for supreme Internet rule.

"They're the hope of the future," Duzett said. "They're the ones who know this global country, know its potential, the ones who will be making a difference for years to come. Our youth are crying for change - and more importantly, hope."

CNN senior political analyst William Schneider responded incredulously to the announcement.

"I think the people of the Internet are going to see youth and energy, and they're going to like that," Schneider said. "But Duzett lacks the experience that being King of the Internet demands, and people notice that."

"Besides," Schneider added, "can you even run for King of the Internet?"

The question is mirrored by several newspaper columnists and prominent bloggers, miring Duzett's campaign in early controversy.

"The people of the Internet are watching," New York Times columnist Bob Herbert wrote in this morning's column. "How Duzett responds to this controversy, of whether or not somebody can actually run for King of the Internet, will set the tone for the rest of his campaign."

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